Sunday, March 7, 2010


We've had some milestones during the last couple of weeks.
Chris went to the 1st session of a 3-part dental implant course. I got some raised eyebrows the first couple of times I mentioned that he went to Florida for an implant course, so I've learned to be more specific.

Jasper got a good whack on the eye when we went to a friend's house on New Year's Eve. Luckily, I don't think there is any permanent damage.
The coloring by day 3 almost made me jealous! But then, greenish-yellow isn't really my shade anyway...

Cooper got a few bonks of his own, but really he just wanted me to take a picture of his spiked hair looking like his cousin Jayden.

And here he is with his first lost tooth!! It is literally lost. It came out during dinner and we dug through the bowl of taco soup without finding it. It's amazing how many things in taco soup can look deceivingly like a tooth! It might be a while before I make it again. He probably swallowed it, and I can promise you I'm not digging through that to find a lousy little tooth!
And the best milestone of all.... take a long look at this photo of my light-saber bearing, cowboy-boot wearing, sunglass sporting fireman because it might be the last time you ever see him in a pull-up. This kid is an official Potty Pro!! Woohoo! We decided to just do it while we were snowed in at home for a few days. He caught on quickly and has done a great job.


Em said...

I can't believe Jasper is potty trained, wow he has really grown up. I still imagine him as this little toddler roaming around. So sad, time really does fly. Fun pictures!!

Brad and Keri said...

First tooth lost, potty-training, black-eyes, spiky hair, dental implant course, snowpocalypse, you guys have had so much going on lately! We miss you!